About Kitty

I am a compassionate Certified Master Level Coach trained by Dr. Martha Beck, Ring Leader Equine Coach, a Certified IAYT Yoga Therapist & 500 Hr. Level Yoga Instructor, Pilates Instructor, Mind Body Educator trained by Dr. Deepak Chopra & Dr. David Simon, Master Body Worker/Healer; a mother, a peaceful warrior for good, a lover of life and nature, and a helpful mender for mind, body & soul.


How I Am Rolling All Of My Greatest Gifts Into One Big Ball Of Goodness!

Several years ago, I found myself stuck in every way imaginable.  When people see pictures of me from 10 years ago, they can’t believe it’s me!  I was stressed to the max with my job, my marriage was ending, I owned (mortgaged is more the truth) a farm that I thought I couldn’t live without and I could no longer take care of if I decided to divorce.   I knew I was meant for so much more even though my job provided autonomy & a great income, opportunity to teach Yoga and Pilates and Coach.   I felt disoriented and miserable and felt guilty about it.

It is amazing where I sit right now, years later.  I am sitting in my favorite chair & place in my new home giving my website a face lift so that I can pass along my greatest gifts to you and others.  I have healed my relationships, I am teaching, coaching and leading the way I knew I could. I am freer, healthier, happier than I have ever been.

I hope this inspires you to plunge into coaching and change your relationship with your life.  You are closer than you think to a life beyond your imagination!

When I am teaching and working with people, I feel like something bigger than me takes over and mysteriously, good things happen.  It is my biggest thrill to witness someone break through a limitation, whether it is a stiff muscle or a belief that is holding them back.

When I Was A Teen

I lived in the beautiful Adirondack Mountains where I was free to be outside, swimming in my waterfall, spending time with my horse, daydreaming, writing, singing for hours in peaceful solitude.  My childhood was far from perfect but I always had the healing powers of nature surrounding me.  Way before Wellness became a catchall term, I was drawn to natural ways of improving how I felt, looked and moved.  My mother and I used to create home remedies out of things we found in the pantry and refrigerator.  When I came home from hockey practice one afternoon with aching muscles, she said, “Oh, I just read something in Ladies Home Journal about pressure points that can help muscles.  Let me go get it!”  She literally had me lie on the kitchen table and proceeded, in a not very skillful way I might add, to apply trigger point therapy.  We laugh about that now but it worked.  I felt better and gained some mobility.  From there, I began seeking out information on nutrition, exercise and Pilates and to the best of my ability did the poses in my bedroom or in the living room on the rare occasion it was empty of my 5 siblings.  It made me more flexible, stronger and happier.

Over 30 years ago I accidentally found Yoga!

In 1986 while living is Saratoga Springs NY, I was perusing my favorite book store looking for something that would help me feel better.  I picked up several , coffee table sized books(That I couldn’t afford), of my favorite artists and headed to the register.  As I stood there, a video behind the cashier caught my eye.  It was Jane Fonda’s workout video.  When I reached for it, the book next to it fell to the floor.  I picked it up and read the title, “Richard Hittlemans, 28-day Exercise Plan”.   I don’t know where you were in 1986 but in upstate NY, there were not a lot of people doing or even aware of Yoga and it’s benefits.  My how things have changed, right?  Thumbing through the pages, I realized it was a book on Yoga.  A warm feeling of calm anticipate overtook my entire being.  I knew something was about to change the course of my life.  Have you ever had a moment where you were so clear that you were on the right path that nothing could stop you from moving forward?   The rest is a long history of how Yoga and I have evolved together.   Yoga became my saving grace, my friend, my passion and my greatest challenge and love.  It has been my loyal companion, my nurse, my resource and my joy.  I realize now that my life has been a continuous journey of mastering different aspects of Yoga.

Master BodyWorker since 1989

Early in my career as a Bodyworker, my intuition developed to where I could feel, hear and see my clients’ lives, thoughts and emotions.  I began coaching them on breathing techniques and guiding them through visualizations that would bring relief and deep restoration.  In the 90’s I decided to open a school for healing arts:  Red Mountain Institute.  My business partner and I developed a program that trained highly skilled muscle therapists and instructors.  I loved coaching and guiding others in the art and science of healing through their hands.  When………

I moved to the Mountains in ’99

My life came full circle when I moved the beautiful mountains of North Georgia where I still reside.  This was another clear knowing that I needed to submerge myself in the lush green natural beauty of the mountains.   I became keenly aware that I was meant to help people connect to the healing power of natural beauty and energy.

Full Circle with Horses

My childhood was a mixture of pain and bliss.  The fact that there were always a changing cast of horses in our barn yard was the blissful part.  2017 I became a Certified Ring Leader Equine Coach.  When I am in the round pen or herding pen coaching individuals or groups to improve their ability to communicate, set boundaries and become better through their interactions, I am in awe at how every step of my life experience lead me to such magic.

If You Still Want To Know More About My Toolbox Here is a list of my Greatest Teachers

Throughout my adult life I have been blessed by several healers that have guided, taught and changed me.  Masterful teachers of Life, Yoga, Massage, Ayurveda, Yoga Therapy, Pilates, NMT, Hypnotherapy, Mediation, Mindfulness, Qigong, Spa & Herbal Remedies, Fitness Training, Stress Reduction and energy healing.  Here is a list of the masters that have touched my life in a big way. I am eternally grateful for these pioneers and for their dedication to making the world a better place by planting seeds of peace, health, and love.

Martha Beck
The first time I saw Martha Beck (in the late 1900’s!) she was on the Oprah Winfrey show helping an  audience member unravel a long time personal issue in just a few minutes!  I thought to myself, what is she doing?  Where did she learn to do that?  That is what I want to do!!!  I researched and much to my dismay found that there was not a school for becoming a Wayfinder (someone that helps people find their way) in the way Martha was doing it.  So I bought everyone of her books, read them, did the exercises and began deconstructing and reconstructing my own way.  Later, when I entered Martha Beck Life Coach Certification Training, it was a dream come true.  Life coach training allowed me to pool all of the things I love and do best into one magical and satisfying life and business.

Art Teachers at S.U.N.Y
Thank you to all of my incredible teachers for showing me to see the beauty from the smallest details of color to the starkest contrast of dark and light.

Gifted Hands of  Farrah and Jeanne
In 1988 I entered the Atlanta School of Massage and was transformed by my two main teachers and mentors, Farrah Allen and Jeanne Aland.  They taught me to trust myself, be mindful and heal through my hands.

Spiritual Me with Deepak
In 1995 I began my study with Deepak Chopra and became a Mind Body Educator.  Thank you Deepak and David for cultivating discipline and celebration and for teaching me the Science of Life (Ayurveda).

Phoenix Rising at Kripalu
In the 90’s I began my study at Kripalu Institute and became a Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy practitioner. Thank you Phoenix Rising for teaching me to flow and to become a window for the light of consciousness to shine through.

Building Strength & Energy with Lillah and B.K.S. Iyengar
In 2001 I entered teachers training with Lillah Schwartz, a dedicated disciple of B.K.S Iyengar, and realized that all Yoga is not created equal.  Lillah showed me where I was not aligned in my teaching, living and Yoga postures.  Then, lovingly and firmly, she required me to work harder, longer and with more intention then I ever thought possible.  Thank you Lillah for your unbending dedication to truth and integrity even when it is not popular.

Mornings With Joan
Since 1996, I begin my day with a lesson and meditation of light, love and awareness with Joan Borysenko’s Pocketbook of Miracles.  If you love learning from the world’s wisdom traditions, you will love this.

Abraham Hicks
I spent 5 years reprogramming my primal instinct for worry with Esther Hicks as she hysterically interpreted the wisdom and humor of Abraham. Thank you Esther and Abraham for giving me a sense of humor about myself and all of the circumstances I wish were different!  I have created such a wonderful life thanks to you!

Eckhardt Tolle’
My awakening has been accelerated through the teachings and practice of present moment awareness.  Eckharts teachings and tools are instilled within me and my greatest joy is sharing them with others.

Dr. Trish Ring & Ring Leader Coach Training
Trish and her team of masterful instructors offered me an opportunity to heal my past experience with horses, develop a method for coaching others with horses and return to my greatest love…..being outdoors in the company of majestic and magical equines.